Special offers:
Reductions and specials for your guests
Here you can find some special offers for our guests and visitors of our web-site. They are valid when booked with the room or claimed upon arrival or during your stay. The value of the special cannot be refunded after departure!
Please also ask about our cash-discounts for short stays!!!!
Please note: These offers are not valid in combination with other packages or special rates
and can only be used at direct bookings - not for reservation via travel agencies, tour operators or booking plattforms as booking.com or hrs.
Minimum Stay 3 Nights:
* 3% Cash-Discount on the total b&b booking amount. (NOT available in combination with the "20 % Sunday - Monday offer" at a 5 days stay)
Minimum Stay 5 Nights:
5% cash-discount on bed&breakfast
* free entrance at Klosterneuburg Abbey. Please ask at our reception desk.
* We will refund the 10 days highway vignette for Austria. Please ask at our reception desk.
* If you got a "love-letter" (= parking ticket) on your day of arrival in Klosterneuburg or Vienna in one of the short parking zones the amount of the ticket will be refunded on your room bill.
Valid only for Klosterneuburg and Vienna, one per booking and with the date of your arrival!!!